Daily Creative Coding

元「30 min. Processing」。毎日、Creative Codingします。



/** * Endless Triangles * * @author aa_debdeb * @date 2016/03/24 */ ArrayList<Triangle> triangles; void setup(){ size(500, 500); stroke(255); strokeWeight(1); noFill(); triangles = new ArrayList<Triangle>(); Triangle root = new Triangle(); triangles.add(root)</triangle></triangle>…


/** * Lissajous figure * * @author aa_debdeb * @date 2016/03/09 */ void setup(){ size(500, 500); frameRate(180); background(0); stroke(255, 50); strokeWeight(1); } void draw(){ float x = map(sin(frameCount * 0.0334435), -1, 1, 0, width); f…


/** * rotating circles * * @author aa_debdeb * @date 2016/03/03 */ void setup(){ size(500, 500); frameRate(30); stroke(0); strokeWeight(1); } void draw(){ background(255); translate(width / 2, height / 2); rotate(frameCount * 0.3); for(flo…


/** * Rhythmic Arc * * @author aa_debdeb * @date 2016/02/23 */ void setup(){ size(500, 500); frameRate(30); noFill(); stroke(0); strokeWeight(8); } void draw(){ background(255); translate(width / 2, height / 2); for(int i = 0; i < 20; i++)…


/** * Object Coming to The Surface * * @author aa_debdeb * @date 2016/02/10 */ float position; float speed = -5; float radious = 150; float surface = 400; void setup(){ size(500, 500); frameRate(30); smooth(); stroke(128); strokeWeight(5);…


/** * Rossler Attractor * * @author aa_debdeb * @date 2016/01/31 */ float param1 = 0.2; float param2 = 0.2; float param3 = 5.7; float time; float timeStep; float x, y, z; int c1 = color(240, 248, 255); int c2 = color(70, 130, 180); void se…


/** * Henon Attractor * * @author aa_debdeb * @date 2016/01/27 */ float alpha = 1.4; float beta = 0.3; float x, y; void setup(){ size(500, 500); smooth(); frameRate(360); background(0); x = map(random(1), 0, 1, -0.1, 0.1); y = map(random(1…


/** * Lorenz Attractor * * @author aa_debdeb * @date 2016/01/26 */ float time; float timeStep; float x, y, z; int c1 = color(240, 248, 255); int c2 = color(70, 130, 180); void setup(){ size(500, 500, P3D); smooth(); frameRate(360); sphereD…


/** * Two Pulse * * @author aa_debdeb * @date 2016/01/22 */ void setup(){ size(500, 500); frameRate(30); } void draw(){ background(0); noFill(); strokeWeight(3); for(float i = 0; i <= 1.0; i += 0.01){ float r = map(i, 0, 1, 0, 500 * sqrt(2…


/** * Wheel Rotation * * @author aa_debdeb * @date 2016/01/15 */ void setup(){ size(500, 500); frameRate(30); smooth(); } void draw(){ background(255); fill(220, 20, 60); noStroke(); float posRad = frameCount * 0.3; float posR = 100; trans…


/** * Vortical Flower * * @author aa_debdeb * @date 2016/01/08 */ void setup(){ size(500, 500); smooth(); frameRate(60); noStroke(); } void draw(){ float time = frameCount * 0.01; background(0); translate(width/2, height/2); for(int angle …


/** * Pulsebeat * * @author aa_debdeb * @date 2015/12/26 */ void setup(){ size(500, 500); smooth(); frameRate(30); noStroke(); fill(255, 0, 0); } void draw(){ float time = frameCount * 0.1; background(0); translate(width / 2, height / 2); …


/** * Drawing By Circles * * @author aa_debdeb * @date 2015/12/25 */ void setup(){ size(500, 500); smooth(); frameRate(30); background(0); } void draw(){ float radian1 = frameCount * 0.05533; float radian2 = frameCount * 0.0235; float radi…


/** * Dancing Triangle * * @author aa_debdeb * @date 2015/12/24 */ PVector V1_CENTER, V2_CENTER, V3_CENTER; void setup(){ size(500, 500); smooth(); frameRate(30); background(128); } void draw(){ fill(128, 30); noStroke(); rect(0, 0, width,…


/** * Looper * * @author aa_debdeb * @date 2015/11/20 */ void setup(){ size(500, 500); background(255); } void draw(){ background(255); noStroke(); fill(0); translate(width/2, height/2); rotate(frameCount * 0.01); for(float angle = 0;angle …


/** * Sphere * * @author aa_debdeb * @date 2015/11/11 */ void setup(){ size(500, 500); background(0); } void draw(){ stroke(255); translate(width/2, height/2); float radious = 200 * sin(frameCount * (TWO_PI / 169.0)); point(radious * cos(f…


/** * Beziers * * @author aa_debdeb * @date 2015/10/31 */ void setup(){ size(500, 500); smooth(); frameRate(24); } void draw(){ background(0); stroke(255); strokeWeight(1); noFill(); translate(100, height/2); for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++){ …


/** * Revolving Light * * @author aa_debdeb * @date 2015/10/21 */ void setup(){ size(500, 500); smooth(); frameRate(24); background(0); } void draw(){ noStroke(); fill(0, 30); rect(-1, -1, width, height); stroke(255, 255, 0); strokeWeight(…


/** * Twisting Rectangle * * @author aa_debdeb * @date 2015/10/18 */ void setup(){ size(500, 500); smooth(); frameRate(24); } void draw(){ fill(0, 150); rect(-1, -1, width, height); noStroke(); fill(0, 255, 0, 200); translate(width/2, heig…


/** * Billowing Flower * * @author aa_debdeb * @date 2015/10/16 */ float radious1 = 200, radious2 = 100; void setup(){ size(500, 500); smooth(); // frameRate(24); background(0); } void draw(){ noStroke(); fill(0, 50); rect(-1, -1, width + …


/** * Spiral By Line * * @author aa_debdeb * @date 2015/10/15 */ float radious1 = 200, radious2 = 150; void setup(){ size(500, 500); smooth(); frameRate(24); background(0); } void draw(){ noStroke(); fill(0, 100); rect(-1, -1, width + 1, h…