/** * glitch camera * * @author aa_debdeb * @date 2016/10/06 */ import processing.video.*; Capture camera; int[][][] references; void setup(){ size(640, 480); camera = new Capture(this, 320, 240); camera.start(); makeReferences(); } void m…
/** * camera of horizontal line * * @author aa_debdeb * @date 2016/10/05 */ import processing.video.*; Capture camera; void setup(){ size(640, 480); camera = new Capture(this, 320, 240); camera.start(); } void draw(){ camera.loadPixels(); …
/** * binary image for camera by perlin noise * * @author aa_debdeb * @date 2016/07/19 */ import processing.video.*; Capture camera; PVector offset; float scale = 0.01; float tScale = 0.1; color c1 = color(255, 20, 147); color c2 = color(2…
/** * rgb to hsb for camera image * * @author aa_debdeb * @date 2016/05/26 */ import processing.video.*; Capture camera; void setup(){ size(480, 360); camera = new Capture(this, width, height); camera.start(); } void draw(){ colorMode(RGB,…
/** * watercolor mosaic from camera image * * @author aa_debdeb * @date 2016/05/25 */ import processing.video.*; Capture camera; ArrayList<Point> points; void setup(){ size(640, 480); camera = new Capture(this, width, height); camera.start(); poi</point>…
/** * Line Camera * * @author aa_debdeb * @date 2016/03/10 */ import processing.video.*; int pointNum = 1500; float nearDist = 50; PVector[] points; boolean[][] distMap; Capture camera; void setup(){ size(640, 480); points = new PVector[po…
/** * Texture by Camera * * @author aa_debdeb * @date 2016/01/06 */ import processing.video.*; Capture camera; void setup(){ size(500, 500, P3D); camera = new Capture(this, 480, 360); camera.start(); } void draw(){ background(255); transla…
/** * Binary Dot Camera * * @author aa_debdeb * @date 2015/12/30 */ import processing.video.*; float radious = 8; Capture camera; void setup(){ size(640, 480); camera = new Capture(this, width, height); camera.start(); } void draw(){ backg…
/** * Camera by Square Mesh * * @author aa_debdeb * @date 2015/12/14 */ import processing.video.*; Capture camera; float gridWidth = 12; float maxZ = -100; void setup(){ size(640, 480, OPENGL); smooth(); camera = new Capture(this, width, h…
飛び出る3Dみたい. /** * Color Box Image * * @author aa_debdeb * @date 2015/11/24 * */ import processing.video.*; Capture camera; void setup(){ size(640, 480, P3D); smooth(); camera = new Capture(this, width, height); camera.start(); } voi…
/** * Box Image * * @author aa_debdeb * @date 2015/11/23 * */ import processing.video.*; Capture camera; void setup(){ size(640, 480, P3D); smooth(); camera = new Capture(this, width, height); camera.start(); } void draw(){ background(255)…
/** * Video with Shifted RGB Layers * * @author aa_debdeb * @date 2015/11/09 */ import processing.video.*; Capture camera; PVector rDiff = new PVector(-50, -50); PVector gDiff = new PVector(50, -50); PVector bDiff = new PVector(0, 100); vo…
/** * Slow Shutter Video * * @author aa_debdeb * @date 2015/11/08 */ import processing.video.*; Capture camera; color[][] previousPixels; int frames = 20; void setup(){ size(640, 480); camera = new Capture(this, width, height); camera.star…
Webカメラの映像を表示する /** * Video * * @author aa_debdeb * @date 2015/11/07 */ import processing.video.*; Capture camera; void setup(){ size(640, 480); camera = new Capture(this, width, height); camera.start(); } void draw(){ image(came…