Daily Creative Coding

元「30 min. Processing」。毎日、Creative Codingします。



/** * Following Particles, Followed Particles * * @author aa_debdeb * @date 2016/02/29 */ int PARTICLE_NUM = 1000; float PARTICLE_RADIOUS = 1.5; float PARTICLE_MAX_SPEED = 10.0; float PARTICLE_MAX_ACCELERATION = 1.0; float PARTICLE_SPEED_V…


/** * Trail of Particles * * @author aa_debdeb * @date 2016/02/28 */ int PARTICLE_NUM = 1000; float PARTICLE_RADIOUS = 1.5; float PARTICLE_MAX_SPEED = 10.0; float PARTICLE_MAX_ACCELERATION = 1.0; float PARTICLE_SPEED_VARIANT = 0.1; ArrayLi…


/** * blur blur blur * * @author aa_debdeb * @date 2016/02/27 */ void setup(){ size(500, 500); frameRate(30); } void initialize(){ background(random(255), random(255), random(255)); stroke(random(255), random(255), random(255)); strokeWeig…


/** * Colored Triangles by Particles * * @author aa_debdeb * @date 2016/02/26 */ ArrayList<Particle> particles; void setup(){ size(500, 500); frameRate(30); noStroke(); particles = new ArrayList<Particle>(); for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++){ particles.add(new Par</particle></particle>…


/** * Triangles by Particles * * @author aa_debdeb * @date 2016/02/25 */ ArrayList<Particle> particles; void setup(){ size(500, 500); frameRate(30); fill(255, 100); noStroke(); particles = new ArrayList<Particle>(); for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++){ particles.add</particle></particle>…


/** * Mesh Net * * @author aa_debdeb * @date 2016/02/24 */ ArrayList<PVector> positions; void setup(){ size(500, 500); frameRate(30); background(0); stroke(255, 100); positions = new ArrayList<PVector>(); } void draw(){ if(mousePressed){ float x = mouseX + </pvector></pvector>…


/** * Rhythmic Arc * * @author aa_debdeb * @date 2016/02/23 */ void setup(){ size(500, 500); frameRate(30); noFill(); stroke(0); strokeWeight(8); } void draw(){ background(255); translate(width / 2, height / 2); for(int i = 0; i < 20; i++)…


/** * Formation And Collapseß * * @author aa_debdeb * @date 2016/02/22 */ int state; ArrayList<Block> blocks; void setup(){ size(500, 500); frameRate(60); stroke(230, 200); fill(192, 200); state = 0; } void draw(){ if(state == 0){ initialize(); s</block>…


/** * Unshaped Lattice * * @author aa_debdeb * @date 2016/02/21 */ float noiseX, noiseY; void setup(){ size(500, 500); smooth(); mousePressed(); } void draw(){ } void mousePressed(){ color bgColor = color(random(255), random(255), random(2…


/** * L-system (Plant3) * * @author aa_debdeb * @date 2016/02/20 */ LSystem lsystem; int step; void setup(){ size(500, 500); float d = 3.5; float delta = 20; String string = "X"; HashMap<Character, String> rules = new HashMap<Character, String>(); rules.put('X', "F[+X]F[-X]+X"</character,></character,>…


/** * L-system (Plant2) * * @author aa_debdeb * @date 2016/02/19 */ LSystem lsystem; int step; void setup(){ size(500, 500); float d = 8; float delta = 22.5; String string = "F"; HashMap<Character, String> rules = new HashMap<Character, String>(); rules.put('F', "FF-[-F+F+F]+[</character,></character,>…


/** * L-system (Plant) * * @author aa_debdeb * @date 2016/02/18 */ LSystem lsystem; int step; void setup(){ size(500, 500); float d = 4; float delta = 22.5; String string = "F"; HashMap<Character, String> rules = new HashMap<Character, String>(); rules.put('F', "F[+F]F[-F]F");</character,></character,>…


/** * L-system (Sierpinski gasket) * * @author aa_debdeb * @date 2016/02/17 */ LSystem lsystem; void setup(){ size(500, 500); float d = 1.5; float delta = 60; String string = "B"; HashMap<Character, String> rules = new HashMap<Character, String>(); rules.put('A', "B+A+B"); rul</character,></character,>…


/** * L-system (Dragon Curve) * * @author aa_debdeb * @date 2016/02/16 */ LSystem lsystem; void setup(){ size(500, 500); float d = 1; float delta = 90; String string = "FX"; HashMap<Character, String> rules = new HashMap<Character, String>(); rules.put('X', "X+YF"); rules.put(</character,></character,>…


/** * L-system (Koch Island) * * @author aa_debdeb * @date 2016/02/15 */ LSystem lsystem; void setup(){ size(500, 500); float d = 7; float delta = 90; String string = "F-F-F-F"; HashMap<Character, String> rules = new HashMap<Character, String>(); rules.put('F', "F+FF-FF-F-F+F+</character,></character,>…


/** * L-system (Koch Curve) * * @author aa_debdeb * @date 2016/02/14 */ LSystem lsystem; void setup(){ size(500, 500); lsystem = new LSystem(); } void draw(){ println("step: " + frameCount); lsystem.draw(); lsystem.step(); } class LSystem{…


/** * 1D Cellular Automaton * * @author aa_debdeb * @date 2016/02/13 */ int RULE_NO = 110; int[] rule; int[] states; void setup(){ size(500, 500); frameRate(45); background(255); rule = new int[8]; String binaryRule = binary(RULE_NO); for(…


/** * Particles in Two Rings * * @author aa_debdeb * @date 2016/02/12 */ ArrayList<Particle> particles; PVector center1, center2; float radious; void setup(){ size(600, 400); frameRate(30); noStroke(); background(0); center1 = new PVector(200, heigh</particle>…


/** * Crater on Moon * * @author aa_debdeb * @date 2016/02/11 */ float radious = 250; ArrayList<Crater> craters; void setup(){ size(500, 500); frameRate(180); background(0); stroke(255, 32); strokeWeight(1); craters = new ArrayList<Crater>(); for(int i = </crater></crater>…


/** * Object Coming to The Surface * * @author aa_debdeb * @date 2016/02/10 */ float position; float speed = -5; float radious = 150; float surface = 400; void setup(){ size(500, 500); frameRate(30); smooth(); stroke(128); strokeWeight(5);…


/** * Waving Annual Growth Ring * * @author aa_debdeb * @date 2016/02/09 * */ int LOOP_NUM = 40; ArrayList<ArrayList<Vertex>> verticiesList; float time; void setup(){ size(500, 500); frameRate(60); smooth(); time = 0; verticiesList = new ArrayList<ArrayList<Vertex>>(); float</arraylist<vertex></arraylist<vertex>…


/** * Annual Growth Ring * * @author aa_debdeb * @date 2016/02/08 * */ int LOOP_NUM = 60; void setup(){ size(500, 500); noLoop(); smooth(); background(255); ArrayList<ArrayList<Vertex>> verticiesList = new ArrayList<ArrayList<Vertex>>(); float angle = 0.0; ArrayList<Vertex> verticie</vertex></arraylist<vertex></arraylist<vertex>…


/** * Region Shaped By Two Waves * * @author aa_debdeb * @date 2016/02/07 */ Wave wave1; Wave wave2; void setup(){ size(500, 500); frameRate(30); wave1 = new Wave(); wave2 = new Wave(); } void draw(){ background(0); translate(0, height / 2…


/** * Hair * * @author aa_debdeb * @date 2016/02/06 */ void setup(){ size(500, 500); noLoop(); background(255, 239, 213); stroke(139, 69, 19, 100); noFill(); for(int i = 0; i < 1000; i++){ beginShape(); boolean isFirst = true; float x = ra…


/** * Flies in Center * * @author aa_debdeb * @date 2016/02/05 */ ArrayList<Particle> particles; void setup(){ size(500, 500); frameRate(30); particles = new ArrayList<Particle>(); for(int i = 0; i < 1000; i++){ particles.add(new Particle()); } } void draw(){</particle></particle>…


/** * Like 3D * * @author aa_debdeb * @date 2016/02/04 */ ArrayList<Particle> particles; void setup(){ size(500, 500); smooth(); frameRate(30); particles = new ArrayList<Particle>(); for(int i = 0; i < 300; i++){ particles.add(new Particle()); } } void draw()</particle></particle>…


/** * Unshaped Circle * * @author aa_debdeb * @date 2016/02/03 */ void setup(){ size(500, 500); noFill(); mouseMoved(); } void draw(){ } void mouseMoved(){ background(255); beginShape(); float angStep = map(mouseX, 0, width, 30, 1); float …


/** * Perlin Noise in Grid * * @author aa_debdeb * @date 2016/02/02 * */ int X = 25; int X_INTERVAL = 20; int Y = 25; int Y_INTERVAL = 20; float noiseX; float noiseY; float noiseT; float noiseXScale; float noiseYScale; float noiseTScale; v…


/** * Incrustation * * @author aa_debdeb * @date 2016/02/01 */ int[][] cells; int cellNum = 50; int cellSize = 10; void setup(){ size(500, 500); frameRate(1000); noStroke(); colorMode(HSB, 360, 100, 100); cells = new int[cellNum][cellNum];…